This Is “Not A Toy” takes its name from the disclaimer found on packaging for objects geared to adults that might be harmful to young children. With roots in late 1980s graffiti culture, the subversive and cult-like art form of urban vinyl is as rebellious as it is fun. Lying at the intersection of fine art, marketing, pop culture, product and graphic design, toys are highly collectible objects for a post-Pop world, often selling from hundreds to tens of thousands of dollars.
A new ‘THIS IS NOT A TOY’ catalogue is expected to be released sometime this year. Details about the publication can be found through the DX Exchange. Click here for more details…
With popularity of the medium beginning in Japan and Hong Kong, the vinyl toy movement eventually travelled west to the shores of North America. Attracting prominent artists from around the world the design styles and range vary dramatically. From fashion designers like Vivienne Westwood to New York-based graffiti-turned-painting-and-sculpture artist Brian Donnelly, known as KAWS, the exhibit according to the DX “…demonstrated conceptual sophistication, rigour and execution as provided by some of the industries most artists.”
$1,000 – the original release price of Yoshitomo Nara’s Sleepless Nights Sitting in 2007
$50,000 – the Buy It Now price on eBay for Yoshitomo Nara’s Sleepless Nights Sitting
26,000 – the number of diamonds and gems covering 7 white, yellow & rose forms of Pharrell’s everyday essentials, as part of The Simple Things: the 6 foot sculpture created by Takashi Murakami, Pharrell Williams and Jacob the Jeweller in 2009
1998 – recognized as year zero and birth of the urban vinyl scene
500 – the number of 3” production Kidrobot Dunnys that will be assembled behind a glassed-in display wall for This Is Not A Toy
13 – the number of designer toys acquired in 2008 by MOMA for their permanent collection
8 feet – size of the monumental AD-AT sculpture to be unveiled by Bill McMullen, commemorating the 10th anniversary of the original release of his Star Wars AD-AT Walker X Adidas Shelltoe toy
3 – number of larger-than-life plush pieces from DOMA on display, including Stupid Tank
Source: DX Exchange
*Check out the original magazine feature in elemente, Issue #18